Since I live in Kentucky which is where Jeff is from, my family gets a little neglected when it comes to pictures (and letters and probably everything else) so this posting is dedicated to the Bateman FamilyThis is my Dad and Harriet. We enjoyed staying with them for a few days when we were in Utah this past Summer. I was very impressed with Dad’s garden, especially his roses. When they said the desert would blossom like a rose, they weren’t kidding!
They got a new batch of baby chicks while we were there. They still have some older chickens so we got to have fresh eggs.
It was a really nice trip. I got to enjoy some time with most of my family.
I was officially introduced to Sweet Adelines through Faline while I was there. I went to a rehearsal of her chorus with her. I had a lot of fun, so much so that when I got home I joined with a local chapter here in Louisville. It’s called the Pride of Kentucky (or POKY). Coincidentally, both Faline’s chorus (Mountain Jubilee) and POKY competed in the international competition in Calgary, Canada this past October. Out of over 30 choruses, Mountain Jubilee finished 8th (congratulations) and POKY finished 11th. I was unable to attend the competition due to the delightful arrival of sweet Rachel just a few weeks earlier. I did watch a fair bit of it online, though.
Back to the Utah trip of this past Summer, we had a big family get together at Dad’s house. Just about everybody was there. (Those who live thousands of miles away had an excused absence.) But I got to see Faline and Glen, Cortney, Malauna and her husband, Lamona and Ralph and some of their kids, Monte and Suzanne and some of their kids, Holly and John and their kids, (they actually came a couple of days too early and had to leave before the real party, but credit to them for making it from Colorado), Brennan and Tammy and their kids, Rachelle and Mike and their kids, and John and Stephanie and some of their kids. It was a huge group, and I’m sorry if I neglected to mention one or two of the attendees.
The purpose of the Utah trip was actually to attend the wedding of Jeff’s brother, Brian. His then fiancĂ©e (now wife) lived in Logan. While I was up there I took the opportunity to look up Sister Reeder, and had the chance to visit with her and Doug for a little while.