Today Rachel turns 2 years old. Happy birthday sweetie!
People often ask me how Rachel is with Gabi. The answer, super sweet. Here is a picture of the girls together watching Baby Signing Time.
Don’t forget that Rachel’s two-year-old doctor’s appointment is next Monday. Check back here for her vital statistics.
Happy Birthday Rachel! You are a super-sweet little girl, and we miss you so much!(and your mom and dad, too!)
Happy Birthday Rachel! You look so BIG next to Gabi! I also think your mom must be an amazing cook–her cupcakes look almost exactly like the Hostess variety. That takes some serious skill! 🙂
Well thank you. I don't like to brag, but . . .
We're having Rachel's real birthday party on Saturday, and I'm making the cake. You'll have to check it out when I post the picture, then you can really see my skilz.
Her skillz were extraordinary today!