Last night Jeff and I went to a Messiah Sing Along. We’ve gone most every year since we’ve been married. We sing the entire Part I of Messiah, and then we end with Hallelujah Chorus.
Speaking of Hallelujah Chorus, I’m sure most everyone has seen some version of this rendition of that great masterpiece, but just in case you’ve been living under a rock for the past decade, here are the Silent Monks performing it.
I first saw that about 10 years ago or so when I played the ‘cello for a Living Christmas Tree program that is done yearly at a Baptist Church here in town, and they did this. I don’t know who came up with it, but apparently every Baptist Church in the United States has done it, at least according to YouTube. When are we Mormons going to join the fun? My favorite is the short person.
I live under a rock. Thanks for lifting it so I could see that.