The Cat in the Hat Comes Back

Last night our ward had its “Trunk or Treat” activity, where we play some games, then go trick or treating in the parking lot. Everybody is supposed to decorate their trunks for Halloween, then the kids get to load up on candy and the adults get to admire the cute costumes.

Rachel returned as the Cat in the Hat. You will notice two additions to her costume. 1. Safety pins to hold the bow tie out, and 2. an extra whisker on each cheek. In our home we are always striving for improvement.

On another topic, Jeff finished making a cornhole game for us. For those of you who have never heard of cornhole (like I hadn’t until I moved to Kentucky), it is a game where you throw a beanbag (actually a cornbag) into a hole. Hence the name “cornhole.” One board is painted for the University of Louisville Cardinals (from where Jeff graduated), and the other is painted for Brigham Young University (my alma mater). I thought he did a pretty impressive job on the painting.

5 Replies to “The Cat in the Hat Comes Back”

  1. Love your costumes! Rachel looks so dang sporty in her Louisville hoodie. Her hair looks so cute Noelley, you did a good job. Go Blue!

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