Okay, actually she turned 14 months old yesterday, and it got away from me. I’m sorry. 🙁
Anyway, Gabi is 14 months old. I am often struck with how grown up she is. This morning we were playing outside and she climbed up the ladder to go down the slide, and didn’t need my help at all. She is walking all over the place, she is climbing up and down the stairs (although I still really worry about her when I see her approach the top of the stairs to go down), she is talking some, and even doing some sign language. Her vocabulary includes “ma,” “ba,” “da,” and “no.” Interestingly, you really have to get the context of the conversation to know what she means. For example, “no” means “yes.” (I might ask “do you want some juice?” and she responds “no” then takes and drinks the juice. ) She signs “ball” (her favorite sign and favorite word), “dog” (okay, she signs it on her chest when it should be on her leg, but who am I to judge?), “milk,” and just today she signed “please” by herself. I don’t think she knows what she means when she signs “please” but she’ll catch on eventually. She absolutely knows “ball” and “dog.” She signs “more” too, but it looks just like “ball” so I sometimes don’t catch it.
What a cute little doll! How time flies!