Last Christmas Rachel got a Argentina National Team FĂștbol (soccer) jersey from her Aunt Michelle who is currently serving a mission there. At some point during my three months of bed rest the shirt was misplaced. There was much sorrow (mostly from me).
Fast forward to last night. I got home late with Gabi from rehearsal. Jeff was changing Gabi’s diaper on our bed in preparation for putting her to bed. He neglected to take certain precautions, and Gabi peed on our bed. Well that was unfortunate, or so it seemed.
We have two sets of sheets for our bed, but again during my bed rest, one of the fitted sheets was misplaced. Normally that is no big deal. When I wash the sheets I do it in the morning so that by bedtime I can make the bed again. But this time it was already quite late, so we kind of had to find the sheet. It actually didn’t take very long, and lo and behold, under the sheet was the lost fĂștbol (soccer) jersey. And we all rejoiced (mostly me).
And the moral to this story is that a baby peeing on your bed isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
Tomorrow we are having a little photo shoot of both girls in their blessing dresses. Gabi is outgrowing hers as fast as she can, and Rachel, who was older when she was blessed can still fit in hers for the time being. So tune in over the next few days to see these little beauties at their most beautiful.
In my defense, I did take certain precautions. The problem is that Gabi had a little fountain going (instead of a simple stream).
haha. Everyone makes jokes about boys causing those problems, but girls can be pretty dangerous, too.