Whatever you do, don’t get jealous!

Yesterday I ate my first tomato out of my 2008 garden. It was absolutely delicious. It was a cherry tomato, so it was not big at all. I washed it off (took a picture of it) and popped it into my mouth. I cannot find the words to convey the ecstasy I felt.

Then I thought, oh yeah, I should probably take pictures of the garden while I am at it.

More cherry tomatoes to be harvested (and eaten) soon:
Teeny tiny cucumbers:
Blackberries that used to be greenberries, but are now redberries and will soon be blackberries:

7 Replies to “Whatever you do, don’t get jealous!”

  1. Noelle, you are truly amazing. You need your own spot on PBS. You are a Little Miss Everything! I want to eat those berries! I cant think of anything more rewarding than going out and eating one of your creations! You are the best, nothing else to say!

  2. Noelle, I just have to let you know that I had my very first luscious red cherry tomato today (Wed). It was very enjoyable. Unfortunately, Rachel couldn’t enjoy it, but she had fun playing outside anyway.

  3. I think I will be a bit jealous. I love garden fresh tomatoes! Lots of green ones outside, but none yet are turning. We do have raspberries that are ripening. Yum! Perhaps I’ll get around to making jam tomorrow.

  4. the only reason I am NOT jealous, is that i am not a huge cherry tomato fan. Fortunately for you, the picture makes it look like a huge red tomato, so it still makes me salivate. . .

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