I don’t know how Rachel managed it, but we had three parties for her. One last Monday with the extended family, one on Wednesday, her actual birthday, with her immediate family, and one on Saturday with her friends. I guess when you turn 3 you get 3 parties. I hope that trend doesn’t continue as she gets older!
Anyway, on Friday evening I was working in the back yard getting everything ready for the party. During the course of my work I stepped on a rusty roofing nail with my bare foot. It went in pretty far, and it hurt pretty bad. On Saturday morning I went to the Urgent Care office and got a tetanus shot. I came back home with just 30 minutes to spare before the birthday guests were arriving.
The kids all seemed to have fun. They played on the jungle gym, the played in the sand/water box, we had bubbles, we had face painting, and I made balloon animals. It would be more accurate to say that I made balloon dogs because that’s the only animal I know how to make. Then we had cupcakes and ice cream and opened presents.
The number of kids and the length of time all seemed to work out perfectly. They all seemed to have fun, there was no crying, no fighting, and I think they all went home happy.
Anna: Rachel thanks you for those presents. She loves her new porpoise pillow. It has a real purpose to her.
get, it purpose – porpoise… =D