Yesterday was Rachel’s 17 month birthday. I asked Jeff to take some pictures so I could post them here. So here they are. Doesn’t she look kind of sad that Mommy is not around?Here she is putting on a brave face.
I think this was still early in the morning. She looks a bit surprised to me.
In the evening they came to visit me in the hospital. Rachel gave me a big smile when she saw me, and even a bigger smile when I shared a cookie with her from a batch that I got from Matt and Bethany.
One of the perks of staying at the hospital is I get to hear baby Gaby’s heartbeat several times a day. Yesterday Jeff brought the microphone, and recorded her heartbeat. The link below will allow you to hear it. It is a 14 second clip, and you may need to crank your volume up a bit. At the 12 second mark you will hear a much louder noise that is her giving the monitor a swift kick.
Last night around 6:45 I was moved to another room. It is more than twice the size of my previous abode. The walls are kind of boring, but I have a nice view out the window of a wall and a little sky too, so that’s awesome.
I have had a very busy afternoon. At 3:00 my doctor came to see me. Since I am feeling pretty good now, no pain, I asked her if it would be reasonable for me to go home and stay on bed rest there. She said no. Besides my incompetent cervix, there is also the possibility of an abruption as indicated by the possible bleed they saw on the ultrasound on Friday. They just do not want to risk it, as delivering Gaby now would be extremely bad, and her chance of survival would be low. So I’m staying.
Almost immediately after a social worker came by to talk to me about what was available to me should I deliver premature. I really don’t remember much of what she said, but she was nice.
Next my mother-in-law came by with Rachel. We had a nice visit for about an hour. The nurse brought Rachel a cup of grape juice (which she sucked through a straw, and allowed a mouthful to dribble out onto her shirt and Grandma’s pants), and we gave her some more cookie. Technically Grandma gave her the cookie, but it was my cookie, so I’m taking some of the credit. Rachel finally gave up on playing with just her toys and me and the stroller, and started getting really fussy around 4:30, so they left.
The nurse came and gave me something to put on my legs to help the circulation ad reduce the risk of a blood clot (what with my lying around doing nothing all day). It’s this thing that wraps around my calves and massages them. Not too bad.
Shortly after that a premature baby specialist doctor came to see me to talk about what some of the possibilities are. He kind of scared the pants off me a little. There is no way I want to deliver within the next 2 weeks. After that it is still really way too early, but it would be better. The 28 week minimum is what I’m looking at, preferable 37 weeks.
Then I got a couple more visitors from church, and they brought me some pretty yellow flowers to brighten my room. Dinner came while they were here, and they just left, so now I’m finishing my blog post.
Well, I guess that is all of the excitement for now. I have enjoyed getting visitors. Thanks to all of you who visit or talk to me in any way (phone, e-mail, blog comments, instant message, whatever).
For a lady that is stuck in bed all day you sure have quite a day full of adventure! Keep up the positive attitude. I look forward to joining you sometime here in the next 32 hours. I hope I can be as positive!!
Nice to have your computer. Rachel is so cute. She will seem so big when Gabby is born. I was in the hospital for a month before Haley was born. they kept testing my fluid and when they felt like her lungs were ready, they started me. Ems and Lyssi stayed with my mom during the week and B on the wknds. Whenever he would come see me, I would put on a brave face and tell him to just go be with the girls. then I would cry when he left. I was a mess. You are probably braver than me. I wish you the best Noelle and keep your chin up! Love you!!
I love the picture of you and Rachel “sitting” on the hospital bed. We’re thinking about and praying for you!
Rachel is so cute and she looks so sweet–I’ll bet she misses you a lot. You look like you are doing well (as can be expected anyway!) I love you and I pray for you almost constantly (and baby Gaby). So if you like cross-stitch, maybe I’ll try to find you something and send it to you. Take care.
Oh Noelle – what a trial. I’m thinking of you all the time. Pregnancy can be a real endurance test can’t it??? I’m praying you get to that 28 week mark at least. My best friend, Shay, went through this, although she did have a bleed too. She was hospitalized for 6 weeks or so until she delivered at 26 weeks. Her little one is coming up on her 2nd birthday and is doing awesome. Look up her blog on mine…I’ll give her a heads up if you want to contact her…she may be a good source of info and comfort right now. Love you!