Your result for The Brutally Honest Personality Test…
Pushover – ISFJ
27% Extraversion, 20% Intuition, 37% Thinking, 60% Judging

I bet you feel sorry for that one person missing 20% of his body. I bet you want to help him out, don’t you? Cause that’s what you like to do, isn’t it? Help people. You don’t want to save the world. You just want to help people out.
Sound pretty good so far? Sorry, but you’re just plain pathetic. You let people walk all over you all the time, because everyone knows that you just can’t say “no.” When you get time, email me your contact details. It’s always good to know where I can find another helping hand.
What the heck is your problem? GET A LIFE! Stop cleaning other people’s houses and go out and have a bit of fun every now and then. Sure, you feel responsible for doing what needs to be done, but sometimes it’s just not you who needs to do it.
You’re dependable, predictable and practicaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…
Whoops, that was me falling asleep on the keyboard. You’re just not the most fun person. I wouldn’t worry too much about it. You can go hang out with your other 12.8 mates, helping out at the soup kitchen together. Woohoo!
Don’t feel bad… I took it and it told me I’m a “Loner”… nice. Sometimes I wish I was alone in a house full of 3, almost 4 kids =) jen
WHEEEE!!! I’m a Borefest – ISTJ! But I knew that already.
27% Extraversion, 40% Intuition, 73% Thinking, 53% Judging
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Ha! I love the links you post! How do you find them all? Paul took the test and was a “FREAK!” 🙂 He was really high in a bunch of areas. That was worth it alone. I’m a pushover too. Guess that’s why we get along so well.