It’s like riding a bike

The bathroom has become a favorite hangout for Rachel, so we usually keep the door closed. This morning as I headed into the bathroom to take a shower, I found that someone had accidentally locked the door. Bummer! Now I abandoned my life of crime some time ago, so I am a little out of practice in lock picking, but apparently it is like riding a bike, and it came right back to me. So no worries, any of you out there who are afraid of me smelling bad. I took a shower.

Rachel’s fourth and final primary central incisor has erupted. You may want to keep your fingers a safe distance away.

When Rachel was born, I was almost exactly one year older than my own mom was when I was born. So just for the fun of it, I am going to post some comparison pictures.

Here am I at almost 1 year old.
Here is Rachel at almost 1 year old.

Here is my Mom at approximately my current age.
Here am I at my approximate current age.
You might think my mom looks a little grumpy in her picture, but in her defense, she had 12 kids by that time. I’ve only got one.

7 Replies to “It’s like riding a bike”

  1. Rachel looks just like you! but she looks just like Jeffro too. What cute pictures. You need to get one of those double frames and put the ones of you & Rache @ one. & on your mom's defense, she not only had 12 kids but naughty little boys…3 of them!

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