When Jeff and I got married, I told him that I was kind of tired of eating pizza. It’s not that I don’t like it, but I certainly don’t want it as often as I used to. Well, now I am more tired of thinking of different dinners to prepare than I am of pizza, so I’m okay with eating pizza more often now.
So I bought a pizza at Walmart yesterday (Saturday) to fix for dinner (it’s not delivery, it’s digiorno). I cut up a piece for Rachel in really small pieces for her to feed herself, and at first I put them on a little plate for her, but then I decided that to avoid having a plate full of pizza end up on the floor, I should put the pieces directly on the tray of her high chair, which I did, but I left the little plate there. The plate is kind of half plate, half bowl. Rachel picked it up and put it on her head. It was (not) funny. Jeff laughed. (Shame on him!)
Tonight we had beef stew with mashed potatoes. I put that in the same kind of plate. She ate it pretty well (and had it all over her hands and face). As she was finishing it up she decided to swing the plate all around. I had to wrestle it out of her hands to avoid a really big mess. Scout (the dog) is pretty good at cleaning up Rachel’s dinner droppings (and breakfast dropping and lunch droppings), but I suspect that beef stew with mashed potatoes was more of a challenge than even Scout could handle.
New Subject
I got a phone call on Christmas Eve (a.k.a. my birthday) from my nephew Cortney. After effusively wishing me a happy birthday he told me that he and his family are being relocated by his company from Utah to South Carolina, and that they were leaving the day after Christmas. Since they were passing by so close, they decided to drop in. So tonight I had the pleasure of passing a few hours with Cortney and his wife Misty, and their kids Cashton, Parker and Quinley. We played Guitar Hero World Tour. Cortney is a triple threat. He played the drums, did the vocals, and played the fake guitar much better than I can. We made a great band all together. I’m sure that we will be on tour any time now.
(I’m mad that I forgot to take pictures when they were here!)
Okay, first of all, where are the food pictures of Rachel? We’ve got some good ones of Nicholas and Michael, and they are hilarious! Please post some of Rachel’s eating adventures.
I had heard that Cortney and his family were moving to South Carolina – that’s so neat that they could spend time with you!
the digiorno with the cheese stuffed crust is the best!! jen