This morning at about 4:00 I woke up with cramping in my abdomen. It hurt. I woke Jeff up, and after rousing Brian and Amber to come over and stay with Rachel, he took me to the hospital.
In triage they took a blood sample, and did some other exams (rather invasive if you ask me), and after talking to my doctor they said they were going to admit me for “a while.” I asked what “a while” meant, and they said they didn’t know until my doctors had a chance to check me over.
So I was brought to a bigger room in L&D, and Jeff was able to finally catch a few winks, and we waited for my doctor(s).
First the high risk doctor came in and did another ultrasound. He said that the cervix length looked unchanged, but he found an area that indicated fluid where it shouldn’t be, and said maybe there was a bleed that was causing my cramping. “A while” turned into a few days.
Next my regular OB came in and told me that I have a high C reactive protein level (should be .5, and mine was 27), which indicates inflammation, but doesn’t indicate where or what.
I sometimes worry that I am a bit of a hypochondriac, but it turns out that this time my precaution was a good idea, and it was a good thing I came to the hospital.
So if anybody wants to visit me . . .
Good for you for getting this checked out so quickly and good for your doctors for listening and searching for the problem (I’ve had way too many ignore my problems). We’ll keep you and Gaby in our prayers. My girlies are learning that there are lots of babies that need lots of praying for.
I’m so glad you listened to your body! Thank you for letting us keep Rachel. She went to bed like a pro. Then Wave went into “her” room and now they are playing. I’ll have to put a stop to it soon! 🙂