It’s weird. Even though I have probably the most drastic life changing event occurring right now, I don’t really have anything to blog about. I don’t feel any different now than I did before, except tired, but even that I am used to it, and I forgot what it is like to not be tired. I’m not sure I was ever not tired.
We are getting our second snow of the year right now. The first snow occurred last Monday, and even after snowing all day there was barely a half a millimeter on the ground. Today it is snowing again, and while there is not a lot of accumulation, there is a little bit.
I went to a Christmas Party this morning. It was an ornament exchange. This is the ornament I got. I think it is cute and funny.
Rachel is continuing to do very well. She still isn’t really talking much, but I think her first word might be “dog.” It is certainly her favorite sign, along with cracker. She says “daw” and I think she is saying “dog.” I have never seen a baby who loved dogs as much as she does.
She also has a new favorite past-time. Jeff and I are in the process of completely rearranging our house. We moved our bedroom into the basement where the room is much larger, and Jeff’s office into our former bedroom. It is still very much a work in progress, and it has left Jeff’s desk chair in our front room. One day Rachel was a little cranky, so I put her on Jeff’s chair and started spinning it. She loved it! She laughed and laughed. Right now she is napping, but when she wakes up I’ll take a movie of it and post it here. So if you are reading this, come back later for the movie.
YAY!!!! SNOW!!!!!!
Oh, I suppose I should add, I’ve been getting psyched for snow since all the Warren Miller films are being shown on various Encore movie channels over the past few weeks.
More snow then here yet one more reason that I should be in KY so is the T.V. in your bedroom?
We had a big snow storm in October and now nothing! I WANT SNOW! Your ornament is very amusing! What ornament did you take?
Take naps whenever you can squeeze them in!
What a funny ornament! We got the same snowstorm early this morning with two inches of snow. It is beautiful! Sleep every chance you get – I remember when I was pregnant with Nicholas, I would come home from school and nap for two hours, then sleep all night. With Michael, I would get Nicholas, come home and snuggle with him on the couch and sleep while he watched Nickjr. t.v.