Poor Rachel’s Almanac

Rachel has had a rough past few days. I felt last week that she had a fever, but I didn’t take her temperature until Saturday. It was 102.5. So we started giving her baby Tylenol. Early Sunday morning she was feeling very warm again, and I took her temperature and it was 103.6. She stayed home from church with Jeff. I went to church to sing in the choir and to play a piano duet, and then I came home. Jeff went to church after that so he could fulfill his calling.

That afternoon we went to Jeff’s parent’s house, along with Brian and Amber, to decorate their Christmas tree. Rachel played an important role. She was able to excel as her job in that project really played to her strength. She got to take the ornaments out of the box and hand them to people. That is her favorite past time, emptying boxes. She did her job with great professionalism.

On Monday morning Rachel’s temperature got to 104.5. I took her to the doctor and it turns out that she has an ear infection. So we got a prescription for an antibiotic.

While it is really sad that Rachel is sick, I have to admit that I am taking advantage of her excessive sleeping with a little extra napping of my own.

Here are some more pictures from our decorating of the Christmas tree on Sunday with Jeff’s parents:

Jeff getting the lights on

Everybody’s getting in on the action



Rachel distributing ornaments
Rachel in her garland halo

Brian and Amber under the mistletoe

Brian and Amber in the classic “we’re pregnant” pose

Noelle and Jeff in the classic “we’re pregnant” pose. (I admit, I’m still trying to suck in my gut. Am I fooling anybody?)

Rachel loves the Christmas tree

5 Replies to “Poor Rachel’s Almanac”

  1. Love the pic of Rache pointing to the tree. I think its so sweet. You need to work on the “I’m pregnant” pose. Just wait, in a month or 2 let’s hope Jeffro can’t keep up!

  2. Noelle, you are looking skinny! You don’t even look pregnant – but you will before you know it! Keep posting pictures like that – but we want to see your belly grow, not Jeff’s!

  3. Jeff looks twice as prego as you, but it DOES look like he is pushing his belly out, and you are sucking yours in. Enjoy it while you can, baby! Hey–if you get a chance can you ask Andrea to invite me to her blog, she went and made it private, and now I cant see anything. Thanks, you are a true friend 🙂

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