Yesterday Rachel turned 2 years and one month old. I don’t know, it seems that prior to two years old, it makes sense to revisit Rachel’s milestones on a monthly basis, but now that she has hit two I may not do it every single month. But I’ll do it this time.
Actually I didn’t spend much time with Rachel yesterday. We (me, Jeff, the girls, and Jeff’s mom, are in Nashville. We came here for me to compete with my barbershop chorus in the International competition of Sweet Adelines. I spent the morning rehearsing, the early afternoon getting ready, the mid afternoon competing, the late afternoon watching other competitors, and the evening celebrating. I peeked in on the family a little bit, but not as much as I normally would. Incidentally, I did say celebrating. Our chorus was in the top ten, which means we compete again in the finals on Saturday (tomorrow). So we will spend today in rehearsal, and we hit the stage at 3:00 p.m. central time. You can catch it on the free web cast. Here is the link:
One of the fun things about being here in Nashville is that my sister Faline and her daughter Malauna are also here. They are competing with Mountain Jubilee, the chorus in Salt Lake City Utah. They also made the top ten. Not to brag or anything, but what about those Bateman genes? All of the Christensen siblings bought Rachel and Gabi semi matching outfits. They both have flower print pants, and a shirt. They are different colors, but essentially the same style. Extremely cute. Gabi doesn’t have much of an opinion, but Rachel thinks they are AWESOME (and she should know. She is really into clothes these days!)
I went on the Sweet Adelines website, and right now the Finals aren't scheduled to be on the webcast. Do you know if that's going to change?
I'm pretty sure the finals will be on. Quick update: the mic tester chorus will be on at 3:00 central time. I think my chorus will be on at 3:20.