It’s official. Rachel took her first step(s) today. What she usually manages is one step, then a lunge towards me. Once today she took two steps, then lunged. So whoever voted for this week, you win. I actually had next week, so I can’t be blamed for rigging the vote.
In other news, Rachel has other favorite past times too.
She likes playing with her cousin Jonas.
She really likes books. She’s devouring this one.
Sometimes she just reads to Scout.
She’s getting some work done on the computer.
She likes to help with the laundry.
She likes to practice the piano. She especially likes playing with her feet.
When she’s not working, she enjoys playing in Scout’s water dish. Notice the completely soaked backside as she crawls away from her handiwork.
She really has something for car seats. No car seat is safe when Rachel is nearby. They are like a favorite hangout.
Rachel really likes Baby Signing Time.
Oh, what a sweetie! ANYTHING! FOR A MARSHMELLOW!!
Way to go Rachel! except you were supposed to wait two more weeks. Anyway, watch out world Rachel is on her way to conquer the world.
Grandma Gosnell
Way to go Rachel!
Okay, do those pants say Cheer on them… you know I was going to comment about that! Woohoo! Go Cheerleading! Lol. 🙂
Yay! Congratulations, Rachel! Look out world!
I love that she learned to walk form me yea
I’m not sure if I should say Congratulations or not… I guess I should congratulate Rachel, but perhaps I should give my condolances to Noelle. Good luck! I love the pic of Ray Ray and Jonas playing together.