Today Rachel is 15 months old. Okay, this month flew by! I think I’m ready to call it official, and say that “dog” is her first word. Today she said “dah” while she did the sign for dog. She also says “mama” and “dada” but I’m still not sure she really means it when she says it.
I am happy to report that Rachel is over her ear infection. Finally last Friday she started acting like herself again. Prior to that all she wanted to do was to have me or Jeff hold her, and sleep. I encouraged the sleeping, and was happy to join her, but it did make it difficult to get anything done.
Today we went to Grandma’s house and made and decorated cookies. We got some good pictures, but they are on Grandma’s camera, so I don’t have them yet. I’ll post them later.
Today was cold, cold, COLD, COLD! It’s crazy because last Friday it was in the 60s. Last night we watched the temperature drop to 7 degrees, and this morning it was 5 degrees. I know for the northerners that’s nothing, but we were really cold. It is supposed to snow tomorrow, but then it’s supposed to warm up again. That is my only real complaint about the weather here, that the temperature in the winter bounces around so much. If it would get cold and stay that way I would get used to it, but when it is a balmy 60 degrees one day, and then 5 degrees two days later, it is tough to get acclimated.
Last Saturday Jeff threw a surprise birthday party for me. I was completely surprised too. I had no idea. His mom lured me to her house telling me that the grandkids were all coming over to make cookies, but it was just a ploy. The funny thing is that I really try to be on time to places, and I was going to arrive too early for the party, so they had to slow me down by sending me to the store to pick up some chocolate sprinkles. I still beat a lot of the attendees there. I got some great gifts. Jeff gave me Guitar Hero World Tour. (I rock!) Jeff’s mom gave me a Wii Fit. I’m really excited to use it too. It’s fun. I’m only a little worried that as I gain weight with this whole pregnancy thing, it is going to mock me. There is no way of explaining pregnancy to it.
I’m sorry there are no pictures on this post at this time. I’ll try to get around to remedying that.
Wii Fit and pregnancy. There’s a good answer at Yahoo! Answers. Not helpful, but a good answer.
And now for some slightly more helpful answers, Gamespot forum users have some good advice.
Finally, the Nintendo Tech Forums have some advice on how to adjust expected weight gain.
I want to do Wii fit with you!!!
Lillie, come on over any time.
Me too!
Tammy, you can come over anytime too.
I got Wii Fit for Christmas, too! I set up my profile today and tried out some games. However, Nicholas somehow managed to take it over, as he manages to take over most of the Wii games. I plan to be much more aggressive about taking it over in the coming days!
Hey Luella, I have the same problem with Jeff. It’s a lot of fun, though.