2009 – The Year In Review

What a year it has been. Quite possibly the most eventful year of my entire life! Or maybe not. Certainly it has been the most recent year in my entire life, so the events thereof are more fresh in my mind.

January – Huge snow/ice storm. Caused power outages across Kentucky. Fortunately our home was spared.

February – Hospital bed rest began.

March – I got to go home from the hospital. Briefly.

April – Back in the hospital. Again.

May – Gabi was born. From the day bed rest began (February 17) until I was discharged following Gabi’s birth (May 17) was exactly three months. Gabi came home from the hospital May 24.

June – I have no idea It was a blur.

July – Trips to the zoo, caught a baseball game, a lot of nursing and too much pumping.

August – Gabi’s baby blessing, a visit from my Dad and Harriet, my sister Ladawn and her family. A lot of poop.

September – Trip to Kirtland, Ohio, Rachel’s 2nd birthday, starting to feel like I can handle things again.

October – My barbershop chorus (Pride of Kentucky) competes in the International Competition in Nashville and takes 3rd place in the whole wide world. Pretty awesome. I still wear my medal all of the time. I got to see my sister Faline and my niece Malauna there. They were competing with Mountain Jubilee Chorus.

November – My sister Faline and her daughter Keturah came here for a visit. Super nice time with them. Thanksgiving.

December – Christmas.

I can’t believe how much my girls have grown up over the past year. Rachel is talking a ton, and I am even understanding some of it. She is a good helper with chores, and is a great big sister. Gabi is a fat and happy little girl. Where is my scrawny baby from months past? She is starting to blow razzberries a little bit. They are not the best razzberries of all time. They sound more like “buh,” but it is still effective for spitting out her food.

Here are some of my favorite pictures from the past year:

I wish all of you a wonderful and happy 2010.

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