Rachel here. Today was my 3 month old birthday. I learned from my Mom that you can never focus too much on your birthday. “Celebrate while you can,” that’s what she always says. BTW, don’t forget that Monday is her birthday. Happy birthday Mom, Mommy, Mama, take your pick. Back to me again. So like I was saying, today I celebrated 3 months of glorious life. It just so happened that we also had a gift exchange with my aunts, uncles and cousins who won’t be in Louisville for Christmas itself, so I even got to open two presents. Awesome! I got this really cool toy that has little animals pop up when I push buttons and stuff. I haven’t really figured it out yet. It looks kind of complicated, don’t you think? But don’t you worry, I’ll get it.
I also got these two really cool books from my Grandma. They are about this Siamese cat name Skippyjon Jones that likes to imagine that it is a chihuahua. I love it because when my Mom reads to me, she gets to use this really fun Spanish accent. My mom is so totally awesome! Sorry, back to me again. Anyway great books!
So we spent a good part of the day at Grandma and Grandpa’s house. It was a lot of fun. When we got home, Daddy went out to do a little more Christmas shopping, and Mommy took me and Scout for a walk. Now it’s pretty late, and frankly I’m exhausted. I thought I’d catch 40 winks in my bouncy seat.
So that’s about it for me tonight. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.
Well, I hope you had a happy birthday, Aunt Noelle. Rachel looks very content in her bouncy chair sleeping.