It’s Official
Jeff has a scale he uses to weigh packages. I put a cookie sheet on it, and put Gabi on the cookie sheet, and it’s official, Gabi now weighs (at almost 3 months old) what Rachel weighed when she was born. 9 lbs. 12 oz. Gabi was being pretty wiggly, so an exact weight could not be established, but she was right in the same neighborhood.
My Bold Adventure
I have been pretty nervous about taking both girls out by myself. Rachel is a good girl, but she can be a handful at times. Last Friday I bought a double stroller. It is actually a “Sit and Stand” stroller. There is a real stroller in the front, and in the back is a bench where Rachel can either sit, or stand on the foot rest. It might be just a tiny bit big for Rachel, but she seems to do okay with it. She sits on the bench, and there is a safety restraint for her to wear. Well yesterday I did what I was too chicken to do before. We went to the zoo, just the three of us. The front of the stroller has an attachment so that I can put a car seat in it, so Gabi rode there in style, and Rachel on the bench in the back. I mostly wanted to go to the water park, so we started there, and when Rachel was done playing there, we walked around and saw some of the animals. I was very pleased with the stroller. It made my adventure at the zoo much more pleasant.
Rachel and Gabi
Rachel is the sweetest and best big sister. She has always been so nice and (kind of) gentle with her baby sister. She gives her hugs and kisses, when Gabi cries, Rachel is willing to help out by getting Gabi her pacifier. I caught a sweet moment of the girls together on the camera.