New Sunday Schedule

Starting the first Sunday of August our church schedule changed. We used to meet from 9:00 to 12:00, but now we meet from 1:00 to 4:00. Last Sunday was the first week of the new schedule, but because we had family in town we went to the last 2 hours of the ward before us, and the first hour of our own ward so that we could spend the afternoon with the family.

So today was our first week with the new schedule. We slept in until 9:00. Actually Gabi and I got up early to eat, but we went back to bed. We had sweet rolls and fried eggs for breakfast, took showers, got dressed, got the diaper bag ready for the day, had lunch, then rushed off to church so that we wouldn’t be late. Funny how the more time you have, the more time you use.

I was kind of worried about Rachel because we would be at the church during Rachel’s regular nap time, but she was really pretty good.

Both Rachel and Gabi fell asleep on the short ride home from church, but Rachel woke up when I got her out of her car seat.

I started fixing dinner, but Rachel, rather hungry, I guess, found and went to work on the remaining sweet rolls from breakfast.

Gabi stayed asleep in her car seat for a while.

Ordinarily I prefer morning church, but to be honest, right now I’m glad we have afternoon church. Prior to today I had not gotten to church on time since Gabi was born. Hopefully by the time our schedule changes again next year, I will be capable of getting the girls (and myself) ready for early church again.

2 Replies to “New Sunday Schedule”

  1. I still can't believe Gabi is here, and she is half you and half Jeff. She's such a doll. I want to hold her so badly!

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