Yesterday we bought Rachel a potty chair. I’m not really thinking of potty training her right now, but I figured we would need it eventually, and maybe its presence would spark an interest for Rachel.
We brought it home, and I set it up. Just for the fun of it I took off Rachel’s shorts and diaper, and let her sit on it, not really expecting anything. She liked sitting on it. It has a little handle that when she moves it down it says something like “nice job” then makes a flushing sound. She really liked that. After a while she moved it somewhere else (out of my line of sight). I went in to where it was, and there she was, sitting on the potty chair happy as can be, with a poopie sitting on the floor right in front of it. Oh well, it was close.
Don’t worry, no pictures.
c'mon, she had the right idea anyway!
Oh that is so funny! Not bad for a first try!
Oh that is so awesome!