What is it with Tuesday nights and storms? With the big storms that hit last night, that makes two weeks in a row with damaging storms on Tuesday. We didn’t really have any damage at our house either time, but tornadoes have touched down, a lot of people lost power, houses were damaged, and some people even lost their lives. I vote for a couple of Tuesdays with just regular weather – no excitement. Being from New York where we don’t really have tornadoes, I don’t have the good sense to be scared of them. Jeff, however, has a healthy respect for them, and he decided that we should all sleep downstairs last night. So we got out the air mattress and we all three of us slept in the basement.
On another (more fun) topic – Rachel is getting so big! She still loves her bouncy seat, but she kicks so hard I’m afraid she is going to launch herself across the room! She hasn’t done it yet, but you never know. I got Rachel a new toy – an exersaucer. I think she still likes the bouncy seat better, but she seems to enjoy the exersaucer too. She doesn’t especially enjoy tummy time. In fact, she has lost all interest in trying to roll over. I know tummy time is important, but Rachel is done after just a few minutes.
Rachel likes her new exersaucer. See, it’s a piano!
I took this picture the day after the Super Bowl. Rachel ate so much at the party that if you look closely, you can see that the snap of her jeans is open.
One thing that is really cool is that I can usually get Rachel to smile for the camera now. (The operative word is “usually.”)
I call our exersaucer my shower toy. It is the only way to take a shower with a baby in the house.
And I’m glad to hear you are well after the tornado storm last night.
Hey Noelle! I love that last picture of Rachel… it’s so sweet (in the bouncy seat I see!). I laugh about the snap on her jeans because I don’t think any of Jonas’ clothes have been “too tight.” We just end up putting them away once he gets too long! I am super impressed with Rachel’s tummy time! Jonas has never been one to last more than a couple minutes doing that before he gets frustrated. However, he’s a little wiggle worm lately (we have to buckle him into everything now!) so I don’t know he may still roll over soon.
Interesting thought about the tornados though… I’m the one that freaks out (I know that doesn’t surprise you) and Paul is perfectly calm. I think most people that don’t grow up around them are more scared and typically the people that have been around them more care less.
What a sweet litlw smile Rachel has. I love the pics!