Hey, it’s Jeff again. I’m hijacking Noelle’s page again. Don’t worry Noelle, this is not going to become a habit. I’ll just post stuff to my own blog from now on. (see http://machtyn.blogspot.com)
Anyway, for quick distribution of this video, here is our talents from the talent show last night.
For the record, I would not have posted that video of me. But one has little control of one’s husband when one goes to bed and one’s husband stays up late doing things like that!
I am quite impressed. You are both very talented. Thanks for hijacking the blog, Jeff.
Jeff–feel free to hijack the blog anytime if you can get us more good entertainment like that!
I LOVED your song. I’m embarrassed to ask, but isn’t it a Beatles song? You did great!!! You are so talented and I miss learning from your music abilities in choir. Maybe someday my husband will be home before church so I could actually attend.
I also greatly enjoy your comments in institute on Tuesday. They are always dead on!!! (I’ve wanted to tell you that for weeks:)
That is a Beatles song. They are my rock n roll inspiration! I do a mean O-bla-di, O-bla-da too.