
Okay, so I’ve been getting a little jealous of all the blogging going on. And I want to say stuff, but have been swamped… er, overwhelmed at all the projects that have yet to get done. More on the projects later.

Anyway, here I am starting yet another project, and already I don’t like where this is headed. Let me tell you. The one thing that really, REALLY annoys me are blog postings that are optimized for an 800×600 screen resolution. Good Grief! Most of you out there, if you don’t have a flat panel monitor have a 17″ or 19″ CRT monitor. Their native resolution is 1024×768. If you have a flat panel, it is likely 1024×768, 1280×1024, or something higher. If you have a widescreen flat panel, it is likely 1440×900 or 1280×960. As you can see, none of these are even close to 800×600.

Why am I complaining about this? It’s because when I view a post, it is usually accompanied with pictures… which is great. What isn’t great is that I get 2 or 3 words at most per line.

So you
get this
text per
It just

Anyway, I’m going to hijack my wife’s page and upload a treat for everybody. Her link is to the right. Enjoy.

I’ll eventually fix this layout or create my own… this width issue stinks.

Update: Okay, the width looks fine. But this template had a nice little shading thing going on. I need to bring that out again. Be careful! I just learned what CSS is and I’m not afraid to use it!

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