A couple of weeks ago the mother of one of my piano students offered to pass down to Rachel some of her daughter’s toys that she had outgrown. Well, yesterday she brought Rachel a ton of Fisher Price Little People toys. Rachel was in heaven. So many toys to strew across the floor. I had to buy a little storage cabinet to hold them all.
We went to the zoo yesterday. It was the warmest day of the week, and it wasn’t really that warm. I think it got up into the 50s. But it was still nice to get out of the house. Rachel really liked the monkeys and the gorillas. I think she feels an affinity for them as they share an enthusiasm for climbing all over everything. I brought the camera, but the batteries were dead. Luckily there were spare batteries in the pocket of the camera case, but they were dead too.
Rachel spent most of the time in her stroller, but she wanted to get out and walk around a bit. Unfortunately she took a tumble and bumped her chin. She now has red spot on her chin. Otherwise she is unharmed.
Today we had a light dusting of snow. It wasn’t a lot, but it still happened – the first snow of the season. Hopefully it is a good omen of a white Christmas.
Poor little Rachel. I bet her chin hurts. Can you imagine if we fell as much as little kids, we’d be a mess. They are troopers!
I’m dreaming of a white christmas too!
I hope you saved some of those gifts to wrap and put under the tree. I was impressed that you got an organizer for the toy’s
Yay! Now we’ll have twice the number of toys to pick up off the floor. Add that to the books and CDs. Well, Noelle did a great job moving the books and doing some reorg.