Home Sweet Home

I’m home now. I got here Monday evening. Nothing really new has happened. That’s why I haven’t blogged lately, but I’ve been getting complaints about my absence. Okay, one complaint. But now you see that each and every one of my readers is important to me.

Mornings are definitely my most difficult time. I am a morning person. Jeff is not. It is really hard for me to watch him try to get everything and everybody ready for the day in a limited amount of time, and I’m not allowed to help. During the rest of the day it’s not bad. I stay in bed. I admit that I have succumbed to temptation a couple of times and gotten out of bed for reasons other than the approved bathroom break and shower, but only when I felt that I had no choice. I can really tell the difference when I have done too much. “Too much” doesn’t take a lot. So far somebody has brought me lunch every day. That is a great blessing because fixing lunch is not a doctor-approved activity.

Yesterday evening when Rachel came home she kind of ignored me. She knew I was around, and apparently that was enough because she wasn’t interested in seeing me. Not so this morning. Jeff’s Mom came this morning (makes mornings easier on Jeff), and this morning Rachel seemingly couldn’t get enough of me. She was being so sweet too.

Here’s a cute Rachel story: Last night shortly before Rachel’s bedtime she was in bed with me. I asked her “Where’s the baby?” Rachel lifted up my shirt and pointed to my (now extremely large) belly. I said “Can you give the baby a kiss?” She leaned over and gave my belly a kiss.

I don’t remember if it was last night or the night before when I asked her to give me a kiss. She came at my face with her tongue sticking way out. It was quite the kiss.

4 Replies to “Home Sweet Home”

  1. Those wet sloppy tongue kisses are all the rage I hear! Jeff is a trooper, and BLESSINGS IN HEAVEN will abound for him. As for you, well, only if you STOP getting out of bed at unapproved times!!! (just kidding–you know I would be ten times worse–I dont sit still well.) I am so glad you are home to snuggle with Rachel in bed and watch her ignore you at times, as well. 🙂

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