Ma ma

This morning Rachel said ma-ma. I cannot say with absolute certainty that she meant “mama,” but maybe she did. Jeff told me she made the same sound yesterday.

6 Replies to “Ma ma”

  1. She made the same sound when she was crying and wanting food or was tired… but mostly both. She missed her mama who was out all day with the young women.

  2. Oh, it’s mama all right. Take it and run with it because sometimes those little cuties start saying words over and over again and then they stop. Boston said mama when he was 1 and by the time he was 18 months, he wouldn’t say a thing!

  3. woot! your baby is growing up! although you might enjoy it now, she won’t be as cute when she’s running around the house making a million messes a day ;D

  4. I am a witness that she can indeed say ma-ma. I heard it during choir practice–of course, she said dada first, but when he wasnt available, she figured mama was better than nothing!

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