
For those of you who know me at all, you know how I feel about the color pink. (For those of you who don’t know me, I don’t like it.) Rachel, on the other hand feels quite the opposite. This morning I was having some yogurt for breakfast. It was banana cream pie flavored. Yes, it was quite yummy. Rachel said “pink.” Okay, that can mean any number of things, so I asked her to clarify. She clarified by saying “pink, pink, pink.” Okay, that wasn’t so helpful, so I carried her and followed her pointing finger which took me to the refrigerator. I opened it, and it turns out that “pink” is actually yogurt of the strawberry variety, so she had some yogurt too.

Even though pink is Rachel’s favorite color, when I had her choose a shirt to wear this morning, I let her pick between a pink one that says I <3 my puppy and her Argentina soccer jersey, she picked the soccer jersey. (It's light blue and white.) Obviously she has good taste!

2 Replies to “Pink”

  1. That was a hard choice you gave her, pink or argentina… I dont know if I could have made such a hard decision… but I think she did choose wisely!!

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