Rachel’s First Birthday

Today was Rachel’s first birthday. It started kind of rough. She had a doctor’s appointment today. Here are her vital statistics:
height: 30½ inches – 90th percentile
weight: 23 lbs. 4 oz. – 75th percentile

Rachel has a pretty stuffy nose, and the doctor thinks that it is allergies, but other than that she is as healthy as a horse. A very healthy horse.

She had three shots at her appointment today. They were pretty rough. She cried, but I gave her a bottle, and when she finished that I gave her a lollipop. After that she didn’t cry.

Tonight we had a birthday party with the family. We went to Jeff’s parents house and had pizza, cake and ice cream. Rachel opened all of her presents.

She got a Louisville sweatshirt from Uncle Paul and Aunt Andrea. She got two dresses and a jacket from Grandma and Grandpa and a see and say toy. She got a telephone from great-grandma and great-grandpa. She got a monkey from Uncle Brian and Aunt Amber. She got a rocking horse from Grandma and Grandpa, and she got a desk from Mommy and Daddy.

Last night we went to Lexington to celebrate Waveney’s birthday which was yesterday. We also celebrated Rachel’s birthday with Aunt Tricia and Uncle Jarrod (but Uncle Jarrod was sick so we didn’t see much of him). Aunt Tricia and Uncle Jarrod gave Rachel two pairs of pajamas and a book about the real story of the big bad wolf and the three pigs. (It turns out that it was all just a misunderstanding.)

We love our Rachel so much. She is the greatest joy in our lives. Every day with her is a blessing.

9 Replies to “Rachel’s First Birthday”

  1. Noelle, thank you for sharing a year of all your joy having Rachel with all of us! I love watching her grow. She is a very blessed little angel to have parents like you and Jeff that love her so much! We love you!

  2. WE love Ray-Ray so much! It’s so fun to have adopted cousins that are so close in age. Jonas loves playing with Rachel and it’s so fun to talk about their milestones together. SHe is soooo cute and sweet… and the fact that UK fans got her a UofL sweatshirt just proves how much we love her!! 🙂 Happy Birthday, Rachel! (and congrats to Mom and Dad for surviving Year 1!!).

  3. Did you notice how nicely she was eating her cake? None of this splat it against my face stuff. Nope, it was take a reasonably sized bite off of the end.

  4. You know, when Janica had her first birthday, she wouldn’t eat her cake until we gave her a fork to use. Now granted, she used the wrong end of the fork, but still refused to use her hands. Good to see Rachel has the same impeccable manners! Happy Birthday Rachel! You have been a very welcome addition to the family!

  5. You were able to celebrate with the electricity on in your house, I trust?

    You have such a great smile, Noelle. I can tell from it how truly happy you are and how much joy Rachel gives you.

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