
Yesterday was a beautiful summer day, and Rachel and I decided to go ahead and live it up. We had a delicious breakfast of formula with cereal, and applesauce.

We went to visit great-grandma and great-grandpa so I could tune their piano. We took a walk while we were there to visit some friends I used to work with. They gave us a water bottle and a cozy (you know the thing you put a soda can in to keep it cold).

I filled up Rachel’s swimming pool early in the afternoon, and while she took her afternoon nap I left it in the sun to warm up the water a little bit, then late in the afternoon we went swimming.

For supper we had formula with cereal (that’s a favorite around here), some tiny cut up cooked carrots, some sweet potato puffs, and for desert a Popsicle. (I made some little Popsicles out of lemonade.)

5 Replies to “Summer”

  1. You guys sure know how to live it up! seems like you had the perfect summer day! it’s cold here and I have jeans and a sweatshirt on, wish it were a swimming suit! Rachel is a doll!

  2. I loved the video, Rachel was hilarious trying enjoy that sweet, cold, lemonade popsicle! The kids loved it too, they just laughed and laughed!

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