Rachel is working on becoming a dog trainer. She asks to give Scout a treat, but first she commands him to “sit, stay.” At first Scout just tried to steal the treat out of her hand, but with a little help, she is getting him to obey. She likes to get him to dance too, but what she is really doing is dancing herself as an example, and I have to tell Scout to dance. It’s fun to watch.
When I was in Nashville I got to see my sister Faline and her daughter Malauna. They presented me (or rather Rachel and Gabi) with gifts from all of the kids of Faline. So thank you Milaka, Cortney, Shanda, Keturah, Malauna, Conan, Colle, Colter and Carson. Faline mistakenly gave just her daughters credit, but she corrected herself to make sure that the boys got credit too. Anyway, Rachel and Gabi got adorable outfits. They are not identical, but they are sure close, and they are sure beautiful.
You forgot Colle. I'm glad you like the outfits!
Doh! I'll fix that!
What beautiful flower children you have!
I'm really diggin' the outfits–green, white and brown are one of my favorite combos–and I love the little pink splashed in there! Rachel, Rachel, where were you when Pandora needed training. . .
I just caught up on all your posts. So fun to read about all of Rachel's escapades. And Gabi, as always, is cuuute.