The Latest

A few days ago a friend came over with a craft project for me. You know how I am with crafts (terrible). But I actually managed to pull this one off. First I made a hat for baby Gaby, then I made a hat for Rachel. Can you guess which is which?

Rachel likes hanging out in bed with me (sometimes). How many pictures of Rachel and me in bed do you think I’ll post in the next couple of months?

Rachel wearing Daddy’s shoes.

We caught Rachel in a not-so-great mood for this picture. She is sitting in Scout’s bed drinking milk. Why the sad face? No idea.

I found this awesome Water and Sand Activity Center that I really wanted for Rachel. She loves being outside, but we don’t have that many outside toys. She really likes water, so I thought she would enjoy this. It arrived yesterday, and Jeff assembled it (placing 16 screws) between Conference sessions. So far it only has water, but we’ll get some sand for it soon. In the meantime, I think she likes it.

4 Replies to “The Latest”

  1. Little Miss Homemaker is what we are going to have to start calling you! Nice hats.
    It looks so nice and warm there. your grass is green. Rachel is a cutie.
    Love you Noelle!

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