What I Am Grateful For

I am grateful for my sweet family. I am grateful for Jeff, my supportive, loving husband. I am grateful for Rachel, my beautiful, cuddly, precious baby girl. Rachel has brought me more joy that I thought I could ever experience. I am grateful for my parents who taught me, and helped me become the person I am today. I am grateful to my brothers and sisters who love me.

I am grateful for the gospel. I am grateful for the atonement of Jesus Christ. I am grateful for a living prophet who teaches us and reminds us what we should be doing. I am grateful for the temple where we can go regularly to get away from the cares of the world and commune with the Spirit. I am grateful for the eternal nature of the family.

I am grateful for music. I am grateful for the gifted composers who create beauty for my ears. I am grateful for gifted musicians who express beautiful music. I am grateful for harmony that makes me feel great (all tingly inside)!

I am grateful for Anna. She is my dear friend who gave me the greatest gift out of selfless love.

I am grateful for my temporal blessings. I am grateful for my home. I am grateful for my husband’s job that supports our family. I am grateful for the food on our table (too bad I don’t cook it better).

I am grateful for friends. As my family lives far away, I am grateful for friends who become my surrogate family, who are there for me when I am in need.

I am grateful for my health.

I am grateful for my dog, Scout. He is such a little sweetie. He never poops in the house anymore, and he is getting better about his barking.

I am very content.

Remember how little Rachel used to be?

5 Replies to “What I Am Grateful For”

  1. Aren’t you proud of me? I checked your blog!! Yay. I am grateful for you!! You are always so positive and I can always count on you to make me smile and laugh. I love your zaniness (sp?). Thanks for being a wonderful sis.-in-law and friend– and thanks for sharing your blessings and gratitude list with us!

  2. Thanks for reminding me to be grateful. I think I might do that as well on my blog. You are a wonderful example to me. Isn’t adopting the BEST!!! I love how much you love being a mother.

  3. I am grateful for YOU! Thanks for being a great friend and for making me laugh when I feel like crying, and vent when I feel like venting, for eating donuts with me, even if they are a gazillion calories a piece, and for putting up with me when I am annoying in choir (speaking of which, I could have really used you Sunday night for some humor to keep me from going crazy–Gary and Marlene had to listen to me vent before I was able to enjoy a good game of Settlers.) Oh, and by the way, you look fantastic in that picture !

    Thanks for taking off the letters!

  4. I really enjoyed your reminder of how important it is to be grateful for all kinds of things. So I guess I am grateful that my house doesn’t smell like urine so much anymore. I agree with you, Rachel is growing at an amazing rate!

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