I can’t believe I missed posting two days in a row. My deepest apologies to my loyal readers. But it has worked to my advantage – I got more comments on my most recent post. (I like comments.)

On Tuesday evening Jeff and Rachel came by, and we went for a walk in my wheelchair. Actually Rachel and I rode and Jeff went for a walk. It made Rachel’s visit better because she really liked the wheelchair. When we are limited to my room her patience wears thin pretty fast, and she soon turns to destruction and mayhem for her entertainment. Riding in the wheelchair she just chilled and enjoyed the ride. She also really liked pushing the button to call the elevator. On Wednesday I went for another wheelchair ride courtesy of another visitor. Both Tuesday and Wednesday were so beautiful, I really liked going outside.

Yesterday was the first day since I have been here that I didn’t have any visitors (unless you count my doctor, my nurses and their assistants). As a result I didn’t get to go for a walk. I could have asked a staff member to take me, but I didn’t.

Tomorrow is my re-test for glucose tolerance. I have been carb loading since Wednesday, and that should make the test result more accurate (according to my doctor). Frankly I think it will have the same result, but who knows? Maybe. I’m not holding my breath. I’ll let you know the result tomorrow.

Incidentally today is my 4 week anniversary of my current hospital stay. Happy anniversary to me.

5 Replies to “”

  1. Glad to see that you shed the sweats for some good looking shorts for your stroll around the hospital! See you have casual daywear!–have you called your hairstylist or makeup artist in yet? SOO glad Rachel had something fun to do with you! Good luck on the glucose test tomorrow. I hope for your sake that the results are good. Otherwise I may have to come out to dejunk your room again . . .

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