Four Years of Wedded Bliss

Today is our 4th anniversary. We were going to have a nice romantic picnic in a park, but a bad thunderstorm shattered that plan. So we just had a nice romantic picnic in our dining room. We had KFC. (Try not to be jealous.) There is a KFC/A&W not far from our house, so I picked up dinner there. A&W has this new fruit smoothie, so I got 2 of those also (1 banana/berry, and 1 strawberry). They are really good.

Jeff got me the movie Emma (Jane Austen). It is the one done by A&E with Kate Beckinsale. I like it better than the one with Gwyneth Paltrow.

I got for Jeff a micro SD card to expand the memory in his MP3 player.

So I had a couple of piano students over today, and while I was teaching one little boy, his mom and sister did Rachel’s hair in ponytails. While I readily admit that she is cuter than anything, I can’t do her hair like that. When I try it she is moving her head from side to side, trying to look behind her (at me), and as incompetent as I am in the doing of hair, I can’t function with the additional handicap of a wiggly, squirmy client. I may have to get professional help.

Here are some more cute pictures I took of Rachel over the past few days.

“I’m going in. If I’m not back in 10 minutes, call the police.”

10 Replies to “Four Years of Wedded Bliss”

  1. Happy Anniversary! I think a KFC picnic sounds just perfect.

    Rachels hair is cute in a ponytail.

    I am also a Jane Austen fan. We lived in London, two summers ago, and I was able to see so many things with relevance to Jane. It was amazing!

  2. Happy Anniversary! Why didn’t I remember that you blatantly copied me by 1) Marrying someone younger than you and 2) Choosing the same day in June. At least you didn’t name Rachel after me too!

  3. I love how cute Rachael is. Like she smile so good in every picture! I love the pigtails one…cutie! That stinks that it stormed on your anniversary..but I’m sure it was just as great inside…haha. Happy Anniversary!

  4. Wow! 4 years! You have been thru a lot in these short 4 years! Rachel pony tails look cute! glad you got a picture, it wont happen again for a long while! hee hee We love you guys and yes, there is a little jealousy goin on with the A&W!

  5. Hey Noelle,

    It was fun to get caught up on your life via blogging. I love it.

    Rachel is beautiful. I can’t believe she’s already nine months old. What really shocked me is that you have been married for 4 years. It seems like yesterday I was in your living room visiting you when we got the happy wedding news. How fast time passes. So glad you guys are doing well.

    I have loved getting to know Tricia here in Lexington. She was my VT for the first year I was here and she’s been the boys soccer coach for 3 seasons. She’s great.

    We also enjoyed our brief overlap with Paul and Andrea here too. Now they live just 3 minutes from my old house. What a small world we live in!!

  6. I remember going to your reception and I was extremely pregnant with Gage and your father in law kept asking me when I was going to pop. Ahhhh…the memories. Of course, I am sure your memories of your wedding and reception are much sweeter. Congrats on four!

  7. Regarding popcicles, I think we got them at Target last year near the ice shavers. I am still trying new recipes and I think a good smoothie popcicle is next and I will let you know how that turns out.

  8. Regarding popcicles, I think we got them at Target last year near the ice shavers. I am still trying new recipes and I think a good smoothie popcicle is next and I will let you know how that turns out.

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