I woke up late this morning, 8:15. Church starts at 9:00. So I knew I was going to be late. It was my first Sunday back, so I guess it is okay to phase back in a little at a time. (Just kidding – I’ll be better.) Anyway I got a phone call at about 9:00 from the charge nurse in the nursery at the hospital. She said that while we had planned on bringing Gabi home tomorrow, she felt that Gabi was doing so well it was okay for her to come home today. Yay! So after church we put Rachel down for a nap and I went to the hospital for the last time (more or less), and brought our new baby home. They gave me all kinds of instructions, and sent us on our way.
Rachel was awake by the time we got home (thanks a lot Scout), and she seems to like Gabi a lot. She wanted to hold her and kiss her. Gabi had the foresight to pave the way by bringing Rachel a present from the hospital (with a major assist from Kathryn – thank you so much). Gabi gave Rachel her own little baby doll.
So the long epic story of my pregnancy is over. I would like to express my tremendous gratitude to all of the people who were so supportive and helpful to me and my family during this time. The sisters of the Relief Society were wonderful caring for Rachel, bringing meals to my family, visiting me in the hospital, sending me notes and messages of support. I am very grateful. I am also very grateful to the doctors and nurses and hospital staff who cared for me and Gabi. They were wonderful. I am also very grateful to the women of the Pride of Kentucky Chorus who were very supportive with lots of visits, cards, messages, snacks and general good wishes.
I hope that my loyal readers will forgive me, but I imagine the the number of posts here will be reduced due to my increased parenting responsibilities. I promise that I won’t stop, though.
Yay! There’s nothing like your family being all together. Congratulations Noelle, Jeff, Rachel, and Gabi! I love you!
So glad she’s home, healthy, and life will get back to normal (as normal as it can be with a newborn!). I know posting wont be easy, but please try to! I hope we can hang out before we move 🙂
I’m so glad she is home!!! 🙂 I love the idea of Gabi giving Rachel a gift–someone else gave me that idea for when our new baby comes. I love the idea, so we’ll probably do it too 🙂 Enjoy your sweet girls and being HOME 🙂
I’m so happy she’s home, what a blessing! Good luck in this next phase!
Yay, she’s home. Those pics of Rachel with Gabi are so cute! Totally understand about the posting hiatus. You are going to be a busy bee now.