In yet another show of ignorance and hypocrisy by those who would confess to be Christians and know the Bible, Gov. Sanford attempted to use the story of King David as an example of why he should remain governor of his state, though he fled his post for a tryst with a lady that is not his wife.
If you don’t know, his wife found out about the affair back in January, they talked and she was willing to work it out with her husband. Obviously, his words were just that, as his actions spoke louder.
Then he goes and says this:What I find interesting is the story of David, and the way in which he fell mightily fell in very, very significant ways, but then picked up the pieces and built from there,” Sanford told members of his cabinet. [FoxNews]
IDIOT! Does he not remember what happened to Kind David and his kingdom?! It fell apart, devolving into anarchy, wickedness, and sin. And of David? He lost the prize and his earthly rewards. Is this what Gov. Sanford wants? King David did indeed pick up, but he lost all of his glory and did not gain it back.
I normally would not comment on this kind of thing, but I really hate it when Christians try to use the Bible and other scriptures to justify their sin. (I’m no saint either, obviously.) I think Gov. Sanford’s wife put it well for their situation, “You would think that a father who didn’t have contact with his children, if he wanted those children, he would toe the line a little bit.” (emphasis mine) [FoxNews]
Here’s a nod for Mitt Romney. You’ll see how this is relevant to the post after reading the post at the link.
Now for something to make you smile: