I updated my facebook status Tuesday that I was getting my progesterone shot. You know, the one I always complain about because it hurts. Well, the whole thing was a gigantic fiasco. I had gone to my doctor on Monday, and I was expecting to get the shot that day, but I didn’t because I hadn’t filled the prescription for the progesterone. I thought they would have it at the office. But they didn’t. I was supposed to have filled it and brought it with me. I didn’t adequately understand my discharge instructions. So I went to the pharmacy to fill the prescription as I left the doctor’s office. I was supposed to go to a specific pharmacy because most pharmacies don’t have the ability to prepare it the way it needs. So I went to the pharmacy and they told me that they could have it ready the next day after 1:00, but they don’t participate with any insurance companies. I decided to try another pharmacy instead. (Again, not clearly understanding my instructions.) I went to Walgreens and they said, sure we have it. Well, not in stock but we’ll have it in the morning. Great, I thought, so I left the prescription with them, and I went home.
A couple of hours later I got a call from my doctor saying that Walgreens couldn’t fill it, and I needed to go to the other pharmacy. (It’s called Art Jacob’s Prescription Shoppe.) It would be ready after 1:00 on Tuesday, and then I should go to the doctor’s office for the shot.
On Tuesday Heather gave me a ride to the pharmacy, but when we got there there was a sign that said it was closed due to an emergency until 3:30. Well, Heather had to pick up her son at 3:30. I called my doctor and told them what was going on, and they said just come back tomorrow (Wednesday). Heather had another obligation on Wednesday, but she found me another ride with Sister Wilson.
On Wednesday I picked up the prescription, then went to the doctor’s office and got my shot.
I was very very bad!
Last night at about 11:00 Jeff was getting ready to come down to bed, but as he went into the hallway he was assaulted by an awful smell. He went in to check on Rachel who was lying asleep in a giant pool of vomit. I violated the terms of my parole and went upstairs to help clean her up and take care of her. While I was holding her (bad me!) she threw up some more. I sent Jeff to Wal Mart to buy some Pedialyte and I gave Rachel a bath (bad, bad me). Then we laid down together until Jeff got home. He remade her bed/crib while I held her, and we put her back down to bed. She slept well through the rest of the night, and this morning she seemed okay. I’m still going to keep her on Pedialyte and the B.R.A.T. diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast) today. I’m hoping last night was a one-time thing. At least that it doesn’t reoccur until I am back, because while I felt extremely guilty for getting out of bed, I would have felt even more guilty leaving Jeff to take care of such a giant mess, and not being there for Rachel. Please don’t tell on me to my doctor.
Today is my Mom’s birthday
If she were alive she would be 80 today. Happy birthday Mom.
Happy Birthday, Mom!
Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, and Rachel needed you. Hang in there!
Well, it sounds like you weren’t out of bed any longer than you were for the shot fail. No repercussions, right?
Oh my heck Noelle! That sounds like a never ending story about the stinkin perscription! That is too bad. You have the most interesting life, even if you are doing absolutely nothing! I love you. I hope Rachel is still feeling better. You take care!
I am feeling your prescription pain. I once had to go to Prospect/Goshen area for a prescription for Capri that I couldn’t get anywhere else. It was frustrating–5 kids 6 and under, oh yeah. . . .
I would have done the same thing if I were you, and since today is 30 weeks (am I on count right?), you must have survived the extra stress you put on your body. Just don’t go trampoline jumping with her tomorrow. . . 🙂 You rock, girl!
If that were me & Robbie, I'd have to clean it up no matter how bed-ridden I was. He pukes at the word puke.